Wave App

OND & I+ID Dabin Lee, Soyoon Park, Jiyoung Lee, Hyemin Choi, Hyojeong Jin, Sagjin Joo, Kwanmyung Kim & Hwang Kim
iF Design Award 2021
iF Design Award is one of one of the three most influential design awards which span multiple disciplines and receive submissions from more than 50 nations every year.

Wave App is a self-monitoring system for industrial workers to check their health. It is a part of the Wave System and comes together with the Wave Dashboard control platform and the Wave Smart Hardhat. The app helps construction experts to monitor their own health at the construction sites and also at their homes. It extracts patterns from analyzed data, increase awareness of the user’s condition, and help users with self-diagnosis and self-management. Wave App also delivers personalized safety tips and education in the form of friendly content. This achieves better self-management for safety through behavioral change and habit-forming.

Wave App은 산업 근로자가 자신의 건강을 체크할 수 있는 자가진단 시스템이다. 이 앱은 Wave System의 일부로 Wave 대시보드 및 Wave 스마트 햇과 함께 제공된다. Wave App은 건설 종사자가 건설 현장과 가정에서 스스로 건강을 모니터링할 수 있도록 돕는다. 분석된 데이터에서 패턴을 추출하여 사용자의 건강 상태 인지도를 높이고 자가 진단 및 관리를 도와준다. Wave App은 또한 친근한 콘텐츠의 형태로 개인화된 안전관련 팁과 교육을 제공한다. 이는 행동 변화와 습관 형성을 통해 더 나은 자기 관리를 끌어낸다.


A high number of industrial accident cases is one of the most important political agendas in South Korea. An emerging tech start up HHS strives to tackle this difficult problem with smart technology, user-centered design, and service design thinking.

Industrial workers are obliged to wear a hard hat at all times at the construction site by the South Korean law. Thus, it is logical to develop a smart hard hat equipped with various health-tracking sensors including EEG brain-wave tracker.

The Wave App provides health and condition management services to construction workers to proactively look at and manage their own health simple way. It enables users to get better safety ownership at work.


Medical data could look complicated and occur user frustration. Wave App has come up with a true user-centered approach to achieve easy and simple data delivery in a user context.

By dividing clear modes of on-site and off-site, the Wave App tries to provide context-right features to users depending on where they are. On-site mode is clear data-centered layout mainly shows user’s condition and platform feedbacks with direct action buttons for alarm and emergency. Off-site mode, on the other hand, is the content-driven layout that delivers a soft and warm feeling with various curated health-related contents.


A seamless experience is a key to the Wave App and Wave System. Wave App provides a variety of information and features that are appropriate for each on/off-site mode. Mode switches automatically based on the user’s location.

Data collected from the Wave Hat is transferred to Wave dashboard in real time. The pre-calculated data enables the safety team to facilitate communication and manage more effectively.

Wave App delivers personalized health content to users. With smart CMS engine, the Wave platform can provide appropriate content, leading users pleasantly use the Wave App to form better safety habits via curated education content.


Unlike other competitors’ smart helmets, the project has invested heavily in service design and user experience design to increase positive and proactive attitudes from its user. Wave App does more than achieving safety management efficiency. It transparently delivers users’ physical and mental conditions in a simple and sufficient way.

It is difficult to manage complex safety conditions in large construction areas. Wave App offers appropriate safety education and self-safety management by habit-forming and behavioral change methods, which is delivered through a pleasant user experience. Wave App is a user-oriented digital safety service and an innovative solution.


More than 1,700 people have died in accidents at industrial sites in South Korea in 2019. In the 2016 OECD Fact Book, Korea was listed as a country with the most industrial accident cases, which topped 82,780 cases. The main reason is a pressure for high-performance, which pushes managers and workers for more performance results on the site. Also, there is a lack of appropriate safety systems, awareness education programs, and not enough safety supervisors.

The Wave App and Wave System could leverage to solve this difficult problem and increase safety in harsh working environments and value everyone’s life.

Wave App – Product Service System Design/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021

Wave System

The Wave System tries to solve the problems with advanced technology. It helps effectively monitor the health condition of construction experts quickly and simply on the site or at home. It is a complete solution framework with Wave Hat: a connected smart hardhat with various wearable sensors, Wave Dashboard: a real-time control platform dashboard for the safety team, and Wave App: a digital service app that helps experts to monitor their own health and condition.

Wave App – Product Service System Design – Wave App/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021

Wave App – Product Service System Design – Wave App/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021


The Wave App is designed to help users overcome negative perceptions of personal data collection and measurement. Through clear and subtle data visualization, experts intuitively understand and are aware of self-health and condition patterns.

Wave App – Product Service System Design – Wave App/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021

Wave App – Product Service System Design – Wave App/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021

Wave App – Product Service System Design – Wave Dashboard/ Copyright © Design Department – UNIST, 2021