Legato – Enjoy & reflect your music collaboration
OND Jiyoung Lee & Hwang Kim
‹Legato› is a digital platform designed to enhance the music collaboration process for musicians, particularly in orchestra settings. It enables musicians to collaborate online, track their progress, and receive feedback on their practice sessions. ‹Legato› collects and analyzes data from these sessions, providing valuable insights to improve the musicians’ performance. The platform also offers a variety of classical music content and facilitates seamless sharing of the musical process, both online and offline.
‹Legato›는 오케스트라 뮤지션들의 온라인 협업 프로세스를 향상시키는 모바일 앱이다. ‹Legato›는 온라인으로 협주 하는 뮤지션들의 연습 데이터를 효율적으로 수집하고 분석할 수 있도록 돕는다. 또한, 다양한 클래식 음악 콘텐츠를 제공하고 음악가의 편의를 위해 전반적인 음악 창작 및 연습 프로세스의 가이드를 제공한다. ‹Legato›는 연주자들의 언택트 연주 경험을 향상시키고 온라인과 오프라인 협주 경험의 격차를 줄이기 위해 노력한다.
‹Legato› solves the challenges of online and offline music collaboration. While musicians currently use tools like text comments, sound recordings, and video calls to exchange feedback, these methods are not ideal for efficient collaboration. ‹Legato› provides a holistic solution by analyzing audio recordings, tracking progress, and streamlining the feedback process in a user-friendly platform.
The visual design of ‹Legato› balances a modern, high-tech look with the traditional feel of classical music. It uses serif fonts, sophisticated lines, and dark tones to create a mature and stable atmosphere. The use of violet adds depth and intrigue, enhancing the overall user experience.
‹Legato› is accessible through both a mobile app and website, allowing users to customize their experience. Key features include
- Music Diary : A digital archive that visualizes practice data and includes feedback from other performers.
- Online Communication : A hub for performance information, music group coordination, and live or non-live online practices.
- Music Library : Provides resources like music sheets, video albums, and music history for practice.
The platform also allows users to create a cloud-based archive through various methods like text, audio, and feedback sharing.
With the archived sound data, users can exchange feedback on specific parts of the music within the team. This feature allows users to recognize individual weak points and improve through visual reflection. The Music Diary is a visual digital archive that improves users’ practices data through meta-recognition function.
‹Legato› allows musicians to overcome the limitations of offline practice and collaborate with others across locations, providing a consistent and efficient experience. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it offers a safe and reliable way to collaborate, helping musicians adapt to the ‘new normal’ of online music practice and performance.