Myle – Digital healthcare service platform for industry workers
OND & HAI Hyojeong Jin, Hyejin Oh, Dokyung Kim, Jiyoung Lee, Jinback Lee, Yungu Kang, Jejun Park, Sanghee Park, Kyuwon Cho, Seonkyu Lee, Jieun Lee, Yeongjun Park, Dooyoung Jung, Hwang Kim
‹Myle› is a digital healthcare platform designed to improve the health of industry workers by enabling collaboration between workers, employers, and medical staff through a population health management system. It’s tailored for workers and medical professionals who face challenges in managing health in demanding environments.
With the ‹Myle› app, users can input and manage their medical, mental health, and lifestyle data. Based on this information, the platform provides personalized healthcare services, which are shared with medical staff for more detailed and effective health consultations.
‹몸튼맘튼(Myle의 한글명)›은 근로자, 고용주, 의료진이 함께 협업할 수 있는 대중 건강 관리 시스템(PHMS)으로 산업 근로자의 건강을 지키고, 향상시킬 수 있는 디지털 헬스케어 서비스 플랫폼이다. ‹몸튼맘튼›은 어려운 근무 환경에 처한 근로자의 건강을 효과적으로 관리하고자 하는 의료진을 돕는다.
산업 근로자는 ‹몸튼맘튼› 앱을 통해 ‘정기 건강 검진 기록’을 비롯한 스스로의 의료 데이터, 정신 건강 및 라이프 스타일 데이터를 입력하고 관리할 수 있다. ‹몸튼맘튼› 웹은 근로자가 입력한 데이터를 기반으로 맞춤형 헬스케어 서비스를 제공하고, 이를 의료진과 공유하여 상세하고 효과적인 상담 서비스를 제공할 수 있도록 보조한다.
Medical staff can monitor the health information of a group of workers at a glance, identifying those who are at risk or showing signs of potential health issues. This allows for timely interventions and support.
The app’s design emphasizes accessibility and usability. Its typeface, layout, and colors are optimized to support systematic healthcare. The color scheme is designed to clearly indicate different levels of health risks, while the layout is intuitive and considerate of elderly users.
Workers can use ‹Myle› to better manage their lifestyles by entering health data into the app. The platform’s algorithm uses this data to offer tailored health education programs focused on lifestyle management, workplace safety, and mental health, empowering users to take control of their own healthcare.
Unlike the existing healthcare systems that are often cumbersome due to government regulations, ‹Myle› offers a user-friendly experience with engaging features. It simplifies access to employer-provided healthcare services, making them easier for workers to understand and utilize.
‹Myle› has the potential to reduce workplace accidents by enabling efficient health management. With proven success, the platform could be expanded to other workplaces and regions, contributing to improvements in national health management.