Gaeun Han

Ga-eul Han becomes a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University

Ga-eul Han, a soon-to-be graduate from UNIST Design’s doctoral study program, will work as a postdoctoral researcher in the Meta Design & Technology Lab of prof. Jay Yoon at Cornell University from September of 2024.

Her post is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship program of the National Research Foundation, during which Han will develop a research project entitled, Investigation of the Relationships between Product Attachment & Sustainable Use Behavior via Emotional engineering-based Design. This will be a follow-up to her IASDR conference paper in collaboration with prof. JA Self and prof. CJ Kim entitled, An investigation into the product attachment between single-person household and their home appliances (2023).

Through her post-doctoral research, she aims to identify the relationship between positive emotions and continuous attachments that can help design products for longer ownership, hence fostering environmental sustainability.